shine & feel free

Helping holistic entrepreneurs and wellness businesses become more visible online through marketing, photography and inspiration


a woman taking a picture with a camera
a woman taking a picture with a camera
a woman standing on a balcony railing
a woman standing on a balcony railing

captured with love

stand out online

writing to inspire

Welcome to Freedom Seeker!

It’s a pleasure to have you here! This is my platform to spread positivity and good vibes and showcase my work.

My goal is to inspire you by sharing what brings me joy, entertains me, intrigues me, or makes me feel grateful.

a blue and green background with a feather mandala
a blue and green background with a feather mandala


a white feather feathered mandala
a white feather feathered mandala
dancing wedding spiritual event woman with a glass
dancing wedding spiritual event woman with a glass

Do you have an important event or simply want good pics of you?

Maybe you’re hosting a retreat, or a birthday party, or you need to showcase your work. Perhaps you want to capture precious moments with your partner or just yourself, creating lasting memories that make you feel more comfortable and confident. There are many occasions in life where having professional photos can add that extra touch of magic, preserving your beautiful memories forever.

Most of my work is with women, and the reason I love doing it is because I want to make them feel beautiful! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to pose, especially when you’re a bit shy or not sure what to do with your hands!

I promise it won’t be awkward, and you’ll feel and look great (so will your Instagram and website). I’m here to make you feel better in your skin.

You want to feel beautiful


a white feather feathered mandala
a white feather feathered mandala

Helping the good ones stand out in the digital sea

Do you feel a bit confused in a maze of marketing when you’re trying to promote your business?

You enjoy teaching a class, doing counselling, coaching or advising people, but the idea of marketing your services makes you feel apprehensive. All these hashtags you need to research… all these comments to respond to… sending a newsletter… writing a blog…updating your website, fixing an issue, or starting a website from scratch?

You're not alone! Most wellness practitioners I've worked with have a strong aversion to (or even fear of) marketing. It's how I'd feel if someone would ask me to teach a yoga class! We all have areas of expertise, and it's simply unrealistic to expect to be able to do it all.

a woman sitting on a couch with a laptop
a woman sitting on a couch with a laptop

Shine online without worrying about your marketing

Do you sometimes wish your customers would just materialise without you having to spend ages on social media crafting witty Instagram captions or engaging in lively discussions on Facebook groups?

I'm here to make marketing simple and fun for you and to save you time. That way, you can focus on what you love, and I’ll focus on helping the world find you! I have 10+ years of marketing expertise across SMEs and large companies in the UK, US, and Portugal. My skills include strategic planning, email marketing, copywriting, social media management, content creation, and paid advertising.


Freedom Seeker (i.e., me, Elena) is all about wellness—nature, outdoors, being healthy physically and mentally, adventure, taking risks, self-development, being brave, and loving yourself—in other words, embracing life to the fullest!

I’m a marketer and photographer, a free spirit at heart who likes storytelling—sharing my lessons, inspirations, and travels with the world.